Capellania wetland "Humedal Capellania" Bogota, Colombia
Capellania wetland "Humedal Capellania" Bogota, Colombia
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- The neighbourhood is safe, but it is better to be cautious. Do not to carry valuable belongings like smartphone or camera, before you get into the wetland, because there could be thieves in the surroundings
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How to get inside
- to get inside you need to ask for an appointment. Write an email to the wetland´s manager Carolina Salgado,, including the dates you want to go. Do this with at least one week in advance you want to go. one or two days you will get a reply.
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What to do
- There is a path starting from the west part of the wetland, going towards north east part of the lake, it takes around 10-15 minutes to reach the lake.
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What to see
- Nature, animals and vegetation. We found many birds and plants, some of them we describe below.
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- Scirpus californicus (Junco o Totora)
- Thypha domiguensis (Espadaña)
- Bidens laevis (Botoncillo)
- Hidrocotyle ranunculoides (Sombrillita de agua)
- Bidens laevis (Botoncillo)
- Rumex conglomeratus (Lengua de Vaca)
- Polygonum sp. (Barbasco)
There you can see a lot o birds like the next list:
- White tailed kite -Elanus leucurus (Gavilan Maromero)
- Striped Owl- Pseudoscops clamator (Búho listado)
- Southern Lapwing-Vanellus Chilensis ( Alcaraban)
- Striated Heron-Butorides Striata ( Garza Rallada)
- Great egret -Ardea alba -(Garza Real)
- Bare-faced ibis -Phimosus infuscatus (ibis de cara roja)
- Cattle egret - bubulcus ibis (Garza bueyera)
- Chrysomus icterocephalus bogotensis (Monjita Bogotana)
- American Coot - Fulica Americana Columbiana (Tingua de pico amarillo)
- Common Gallinula- Gallinula galeata (Tingua de pico rojo)
- Blue winged teal - Anas discors (Pato canadiense)
- Ruddy Duck -Oxyura Jamaicensis (Pato turrio)
- Sparking Violetear -Colibri coruscans - (Colibri chillón)
All the next following photo gallery were taken in Capellania Wetland Capellania Wetland by Ernesto Castillo
There are also frogs:
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Meeting point
- On the day of your appointment, Carolina will meet you in front of the fence door, next to La Cofradia Business Park (Parque empresarial La Cofradia). The address: Diagonal 23K No. 96F -62.
How to get there
You can arribe to the el dorado Portal and then take the "alimentador" bus (Green) 16-9 toward Fontibon Centro and get off the bus in the second station named Urb La Cofradia - Av Esperanza -kr 96.
Image taken from google street maps
Image taken from google street maps
And walk:
Capellania wetland "Humedal Capellania" Bogota, Colombia
Reviewed by Unknown
March 02, 2017
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